If you are experiencing an emergency, CALL 911. Do not leave a message in an emergency situation.


The availability of a Constable to provide services depends upon current scheduling demands. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.

A non-refundable booking fee of 25% is due in order to confirm your Constable. The balance is due when the Constable arrives on location.

Fees are based on a 2 hour minimum service. Additional time beyond that scheduled, may or may not, be available. Please do your best to estimate the time required for the service and if needed discuss additional time with your Constable.

If a party, or any person assisting a party, engages in unlawful actions (trespass, unlawful entry into a residence, building or vehicle, disorderly conduct, or assault) or in any action constituting a criminal offense under Pennsylvania law, that person is subject to arrest and/or issuance of a criminal citation/complaint. Understand that even if you hired the Constable, you will be held accountable to the applicable laws.

Failure to read and/or understand our policies does not mean that we'll make an exception for you. Please ask if you have questions or do not understand the rules.

The Constable will not force a minor to go with one parent or the other.

The Constable will not restrain the movement of any person or vehicle, except to ensure the safety of self and others.

The Constable will not physically detain any party unless there is a breach of the peace.

The Constable will not resolve custody disputes; that is the Judge's job. Disputes shall be handled by the Court that issued the order, at the next court hearing.

The Constable, upon request, will document the exchange, or failure to exchange, and for an additional charge will be available to serve as a witness in a hearing.

A Custody Exchange Standby does not give a Constable the right to trespass on real property. The Constable will leave the premises if asked to do so.

A party who willfully fails to comply with the Court Order authorizing the custody exchange may be subject to punishment through civil contempt proceedings. Our Constables will not arrest a party for refusing to complete the custody exchange.

If you are requesting that the Constable assist you in taking possession of an item, you will need to have a court order stating that you are to take possession. Court documents MUST be provided at least 24 hours in advance, or no later than Thursday afternoon for weekend services, so that the Constable may consult with the court if needed.

If you are retrieving items from a marital residence, if the item is not specifically stated in the divorce decree, or if the other party does not consent, the item will not be taken. Further, you may not leave behind items that are listed on the decree.

Selecting the right person to perform these duties is an important decision. A levelheaded, experienced, individual can also reduce liability. Choosing a professional representative ensures the job is done correctly.

Get in Touch With Us

We are here to assist you with all your constable and process serving needs. Please fill out the form below, and one of our professional team members will get back to you promptly.